Saturday, August 26, 2017

Happy weekend !

 On my way to meet mr choo and joy at hougang on a sat morning. I was supposed to have an appt in the office this morning but the client flew me even though I was already in the office..  😣

So angry and pissed coz it takes a lot to come on a sat morning. It meant that I had to ask my mama to jaga the twins while Mr choo brings joy for tuition and pick both of them and me up before we go for their enrichment classes and church thereafter.the  I also had to turn down another client appt in order to meet this appt. Argh.. I think I'm most pissed bcoz I dread having weekend appts and had hoped that the client postponed it yday when I did my reminder confirmation. But he said yes..argh..

Sitting on the train back to meet mr choo and before I let this self defeat attitude attack me further on my beautiful weekend, I prayed and turned on my bible app and saw this..

Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love

1 Corinthians 13:13

So beautiful verses.. and so glad that at least my aba Father loves me.. and so does my family.. yeah! 😘

Reaching soon and Mr choo has already order my lunch! Looking forward !

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