Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Happy 11th wedding anniversary. 11.06.17

I woke up to this sweet msg, on our 11th wedding anniversary. He had brought the kids out early for church and I was home alone becoz I was down with a flu. I thought he had forgotten, coz when I sounded him out last night before i fell asleep, he didn't seem to be aware.

We didn't do an elaborate celebration this year, coz we juz came back from the m'sia trip and he's still trying to catch up on housework. :)

We had a simple dinner at Seletar Mall, at a chinese restaurant with the girls. In fact, the girls had thought we were having dinner at their fav. food court, when Mr choo told them that we are dining elsewhere tonight.

Everything seems perfect, until Vera accidentally knocked onto Grace. It was a light, accident bump, nothing too serious. But what followed was pretty bad. I told Vera to apologise to Grace, knowing well that it was an accident. She refused, clammed up again, refusing to talk nor apologise. This has happened so many times, and trust me, when I said battle, its really a battle. William and I were patient, and we tried to tell her nicely too.. but still she refused. even after we reach the restaurant. Yes, she is that stubborn. We told her that she would only get food if she apolgise. Instead, she chose to cry loudly, screaming loudly (yes, while in the restuarant). In fact, joy was displeased with both of us. That we had chosen to parent at that situation instead of bringing it home. She felt a lost of face, when the other tables were staring at us. I explained nicely to joy, that this is something that can't wait and this is something that keeps coming up every single time. So we have to correct it every single time. I was glad that william and I didn't lose our temple throughout the ordeal. When they say it takes a village to raise a child, I couldn't agree more.

Vera finally relented, probably after crying non stop for 45 mins. (I'm sorry to everyone at Paradise Inn that they had to hear a screaming 5 yr old for that long) Ya, we were almost finishing dinner and I was prepared to finish all the food and let her go hungry if the situation requires. Tough parenting, some might say. Yes, parenting has always been tough. And it's a lot tougher for this youngest child, for she is not of the ordinary.

Moments like that, I just pray that God provide the wisdom and grace to us, so that we be able to lead the girls to adulthood, the strength to do the out of the ordinary and whatever it takes, to mould them,  into righteous women, I pray that one day, they will also understand our intentions. That we didn't intend to be mean parents. It's easy to just give in, and ask the sisters to forgive and forget. But give in to her for a day, and she will ask for more another day.

That pretty much sums up my eventful wedding anniversary. A small victory. And many more battles to go. Thank God for all the mercies.

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