Friday, May 12, 2017

Osaka 2017

It's 7pm now and we are still on thr plane. The twins would hv known by now that mama is away again , for another of her many many holidays.. the guilt is insane. I'm going osaka/ kyoto with 2 of Joy's childcare mummies. Yes it's a mummies only trip. Feeling jittery coz it's the first time I've been on a girl's trip ever since dunno when. I don't really enjoy travelling but becoz the khakis are great - we clicked very well and have been gd friends ever since - thus I gamely agreed on this trip when one of them suggested it. The trip unfolds in a couple of hrs. Praying that everyone will be fine at home, the girls won't b too upset, Mr choo would b able to cope (I know he always can), journey mercies, and I won't be too home sick. My dear 朱宝宝, 妈妈很快就会回来的。爱你们!

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