Tuesday, May 30, 2017

I love u more (everyday)

The man gave me this yday, after he came back from his daddy-daughter camp in sch. It was heartwarming to receive notes from him and his words touched my heart. I am indeed grateful, to have him as my hubby, my partner, my best friend, my soul mate. And I couldn't agree more, that I love him more than yday and the day before. I love him more everyday. 

I remember attending a colleague's wedding many yrs ago, and during the church wedding, the pastor asked the audience for a show of hands, who loved their spouse as much as they first gotten married. Almost everyone raised their hands, except us and a few others. We whispered to each other, " I love you more, with each passing day." Shortly after, the pastor explained to the crowd that we should love each other more, as time passes. I was grateful that mr choo and i are on the same page on this. It is a commitment, a responsibility and a pledge to remember to always hold the hand, and not be distracted with other milestones/goals/whatsnot in life.

It is easy to be distracted, be it the temptations of the world, work or even kids. Some of my friends are holding on to their marriage is solely becoz of kids. It's sad, coz I'm sure there was love at the start. But over time, distractions came and before u know it, the r/s is broken and the only string holding on is kids.

I believe that the first family unit belong to us first. It's always God and us and only when "us" is strong, then will we be able to hold tightly to kids. And then the bond to kids will b strong too.

Having said that, it doesn't mean that our marriage has always been a bed of roses. We've battled several issues along the way too, and not all issues have solutions. But with all issues, we placed our focus on God. For the bible says " Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you."  1 Peter 5:7

I pray that for all friends, their marriages to always stay strong and for those of whom are going thru difficult times currently, that may they cast their worries upon Him and allow Him to work in yr marriages.

Lastly happy 11th wedding anniversary uncle choo ! I (still) do ! Love u lotsa..

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