Sunday, March 19, 2017

Learning to live a minimalist lifestyle

The man helped cut my fringe this evening, after some pleading from me bcoz he is currently v busy. Trust me, ever since we came back fr the cruise, there has been  juz loads n loads of washing , drying and ironing.. even now at 1am, he has yet to complete his iron duties. Note to us: remember to wash our clothes midway of the trip to prevent backlog !😊

Anyway, this wasn't the first time he cut my fringe..he has cut my plus the girls several times.. juz tt now that the girls all wanna keep long fringe, I am his only customer. 

Growing up, my mom has always been the family barber.. my dad, brother and I all grew up under her cutting skills.. so it was quite funny when we had to wait and "queue" while mama completes her barber duties.

N now this job has been passed on to Mr choo.. juz tt day during reunion dinner, my sis asked where I cut my fringe.. coz she wanna cut something like tt.. she say it's like the "空气流海"; some craze going on.. I burst out laughing n told her that Mr choo can help her cut if she wants.. hahaha

Anyway, today he didn't do a perfect job, but it's fine.. hair grow , and it's a hassle to go to thr salon juz to cut the fringe.. expensive too..been trying to convert to a minimalist lifestyle, which Mr choo is pretty into recently too..

Counted the total number of shoes I have that day.. til date, I hv 2 pair of slippers, 1 pair of sport shoes , 1 pair of boots and abt 9 pair of work shoes (6 black, 2 beige and 1 red) ! Omg.. that's quite a lot right..
Have been trying to wear them out and cut down the number of footwear I have.. I'm not a I really don't need soooooooo many pairs.. lol.. to be honest, out of the 9 pairs, most of them belong to the not-comfy-to-wear category..the ones that are comfy have since been worn out and threw away... it's like a "headcount freeze" coz I'm trying to reduce my footwear and only buy/keep what I need.. praying everyday that my feet change and grow to like them.. how many shoes do u have? Let me know! 😚


  1. 5! 3 for work/match my outfits, 1 sport shoe 1 slipper. This, i m not caterpillar hahaha coz i dont like shopping for shoes esp since renee, i hv not step in a heel before lol... Im also trying to get into the minimalist lifestyle and has been amaze at the amount of useless nonsense i bought.. so now im on constant packing and throwing to get a clearer view of what we have.

  2. wow! i should try to reduce to 5 too!
