Friday, February 10, 2017

Letting go

Learning to let go is hard. Trying to forgive is harder. A biz provider screwed up my / client query till it dragged for months. I had the right to be angry and I'm pissing mad. Mad that no one had the initiative to care enough to follow up, mad that perhaps no one felt I was impt enough to give attention to. And when one is mad, it affects all other areas of work/family/life/everything.

I'm still contemplating if I should be the 君子 and not pursue further.  As long as they settle the issue now and move on?; or #2, press further and complain all the way up so that someone big enough knows. I know if I choose the latter, I will still continue to b angst over it, till the whole thing settles. And it certainly isn't gd for my well being. But if I let go juz let that, then will I be at the losing end?

Guess I'm still human after all.. even though my God gave His all to save sinners like me, but to replicate that is so HARD!!!

Praying for my heart to let go, praying for forgiveness that I was so angry. Thankful that I have the Lord who love me with no conditions and extend his grace to me.

P/s: I've decided to forgive by press time, bcoz it's for my better well being. 😊 thankful that I didn't dwell in it for too long.

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