Tuesday, February 28, 2017


That day, while we were walking home after her tuition, I hugged her and told her I love her.. her reply was " mama, did u do anything wrong?" Before running off to open the gate.

Her reply was too much for me to take it.. lol.. did I not express my love for her often enough ? Or has she become an adult before I realize?
So before I forget how my baby is still my baby, thought I better record the "development milestones" of my 小朱。


She is 10 this yr. Omg! 10 yrs juz fly past in a dash ya ? She is the 大姐 in the family, always taking care of our needs. 

There are so many things I'm thankful for after having her. 
  1. I'm thankful that she makes breakfast almost every weekend. Pancakes, prata, scones, and even omelette. Yes I'm showing off that this kid cooks better than me. 
  2. I'm thankful that I don't need to chase her to do homework like her peers. 
  3. I'm thankful that she will entertain/babysit her sisters while William and I sleep in for the weekends.
  4. I'm thankful for her independence 
  5. I'm thankful for her presence.  She has changed and taught me more than I can ever imagine. 
  6. I'm thankful that I'm her mom
  7. I'm thankful that she's my firstborn. I often tell my friends that bcoz she was first, I was encouraged to have more than one child

Despite all the shortcomings, mommy loves you my dear and let's continue to walk this journey together.

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