Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Happy valentines day

I told mr choo that someone in office gave me flowers today and took a pic for him. His reply was : " cheapo lor..shld b in nicer packaging and why isn't it rose?" Wow.. hearing his reply make me laugh..hahah.. sour sour.. although I was glad to hear his reply..hahaha...

It's valentines day and I had clearly forgotten it, if not for the fact that he made a sumptuous meal the night before. He said he read my schedule and deduced that I was only available yday for dinner. Thus the sumptuous dinner.. to me, everyday can b valentines day la.. and u don't need a day to specially b chopped at the restaurants or florists.. it can b simple fare too.. such is the me now..

On a side note, becoz I had forgotten about the significance of today, so I actually have quite a few appts in the far West.. jurong West..hahah.. a client called me last week saying that she would like me to meet up with her brother in law and their family plus her mil to review their existing plans.. my client wanted her relatives to top up their coverage. Long and short of it, after meeting up with thr whole extended kampung, I concluded that their current plans are best suited for them. Even though their plans weren't as comprehensive as that of my client, but their current plans were most suited for them and I told them honestly there was no need for any switch or upgrade or changes.  The extended family were shocked.. they were paiseh that I came all the way down, but there was no biz for me. I even helped them applied for giro, so that they didn't have to pay manually next yr. Once a while, such incidents come by where I do bona fide. My client was surprised that I didn't ask her relatives to pay more to get more etc..but I explained to her that needs were different and they didn't need what she has. Full stop. I was happy with what I said and even after leaving the appt while reflecting in the car, there was nothing that I would do to make it different. This is me , and this is how I conduct my biz. To some, it would b a waste of time, especially to crawl all the way to the west and vet thru all the policies and didn't recommend anything. Maybe to others, I'm not a producer since I can't convince them to buy something fr me. But to me, I can say that I'm a financial consultant, not a sales person. Of coz, I can easily push them to change or upgrade or whatever, but what's the point if it's not in their best interest ? Then how different are we compared to the salesman on the streets ? One of the appts I feel gd even without closing..

Happy valentines day to all !

1 comment:

  1. I feel so inspired, as always :D

