Thursday, August 11, 2016


- Posted on 29th Jul 2016-

Something happened that day & I might be pregnant. The initial feelings were " Yeah! #4!"; followed by " How are we going to cope?"; "Can we really handle another one? Diaper bag again! ???"

Of coz, all these were just wild thoughts and nothing has been finalized yet. Will know by Joy's birthday if it happens. (Muz be crazy). The inital hopes quickly turned to fears within a day. Even when a colleague brought her baby to office, it did lift my spirits up for a while, but only for a while.

Right now, I pray Lord that God, You know the shortfalls, the situation, I pray that You know best for me & whateven happens, I will obey. I pray that Your Will be done; and may all things be right in yr eyes! In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

* By today, I'm glad to inform that it's just a false alarm. :)

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