Monday, June 13, 2016

Happy 10th !


Lord I want to thank  you for today. 1 more day and it will b 10 yrs of married life! I never would have imagine that I would be so blessed to have found Mr. Choo, who is my soul mate & perfect puzzle to complete me. Never would I know that 10 yrs later, I would still be married to the same guy (Haha!) & with 3 beautiful children. I too have changed so much since then.

I rem being the avid traveller where the purpose of living was solely for travelling, good food & enjoyment. I rem being the emo adviser where every other week is like a roller coaster, always contemplating quitting and moving on to other things in life. I rem being the spendthrift where I take cabs every time I closed a case, or strictly bringing Joy to restaurants only for meals coz i felt that food courts were too crowded or chaotic.

I rem things start to change when I got married. I rem things start to change when I allowed God to take control. I rem attending church and coming back to God when I was heavily pregnant. Slowly slowly God changed me. Now, I no longer feel the need to travel. I still have the roller coasters but not as often. Weekend meals with the kids are usually at food courts coz we want to teach the kids to live within out means, living simply. I take trains and buses nowadays, and drive only occasionally. The me now no longer wears fancy watches or spend  $$ on clothes/shoes/bags. The me now is not lacking in anything, filled with God's love and not requiring anything.

As I look back I won't be able to believe that all these would be possible. How amazing it is, to feel full and not lacking in anything. Thank God for making my life complete, that I no longer need to chase after material possessions in order to make myself happy. I'm complete bcoz of You. Thank God for bringing me back home. 

10 Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”
11 “Sir,” the woman said, “you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water? 12 Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did also his sons and his livestock?”13 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again,14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:10-13 

We did a pre celebration on 8th jun coz 11th jun was a Saturday, where we would be busy shuttling the kids with their enrichment classes and activities. Had a simple buffet lunch, before going to Gardens by the Bay for some jalan jalan.

* While waiting to enter the lunch premises

* What he got for us.. i was the unromantic one who paid for lunch, since I didn't get him anything. 

* At gardens by the Bay, just the 2 of us. Really love how my hp camera which made me look so pretty..hahaha...

11.06.16 came and things were the same as usual. There was no elaborate celebration coz it was a Saturday and Saturdays r usually a hectic day driving the kids everywhere for their classes. I rem that I wanted a banquet for our 10th anniversary, to be able to wear the gown again. But we didn't la.. coz i didn't felt that it was necessary. I did however went to look back at our wedding photos.. haha.. the time when I felt so slim and young..haha....

 * Us laying down at the beach in Sentosa, and trying to look cute..haha...

*Us now, while waiting for the kids to finish their enrichment classes; having char kway teow for snack.. haha... Mr choo trying to look uncle while I'm trying to act as pretty as possible..haha.. love how he dotes on me and ever so grateful for him in my life. 

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