Monday, June 23, 2014

My Blog..

Recently a client of me asked for my blog address coz she knows of a Christian friend who is exploring IVF and would like to know more about it.. I was very happy to hear that.. that I would be able to share my experiences with someone else.. but just as I was trying to text my blog address to her, only did I realise that I have not visited this site for soooooo long that I have problems recalling the html... haha... oops!

Anyway, also bcoz of this, I did a search entry of my IVF posts and stumbled upon my struggles back then.. God has been so gracious and kind... He has protected me throughout my IVF Journey, and becoz I am only human, we tend to forget this when the struggles become not so struggling... I was unable to control my tears when I re-read the posts in the office.. thankfully no one saw it... :p

Well, I just wanna do a prayer to those who are trying at this moment in time..

Dear Lord,
I pray that You bless the womb of these couples, as it is their intention to multiply. Lord Jesus, nothing is impossible in Yr Name, if it is in Yr Plans. Lord Jesus, I pray that You comfort these people, as they try, months after months; some even longer.. Lord, the journey seems so long and difficult and harsh, but if You are there with us, then it seems so do-able.. so Lord Jesus, I pray that you carry our burdens and blow life into their wombs... May they be able to see light at the tunnels soon. . . in Jesus name I pray, amen...

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