Thursday, May 9, 2013

My Man and his back (Part 2)

- Drafted on 7th May 2013-

Today I came home abt 10plus.. My usual if I hv a couple of night appts. I saw him carrying two crying babies and an emo joy.. He told me that he's going crazy.. And that I shld no longer have any night appts. At that moment, I could see only frustration in his eyes.. He was tired and in pain. His back was giving him problems, and there seem to be no end to it. It seems better on some days but on other days it seem (at least to me) that he's limping.
I didn't say a single word and proceeded to make Joy and Grace zz first . That was the least I could do so that he only need to handle Vera, who is still sick and super cranky, and after battling with the two kids for an hr, they hv also zz.. (Finally !) And it was time to check on the big man. He is still emo.. And after a bit of coaxing and a bowl of instant noodles, he finally broke his silence.
The man was afraid Tt his back would not recover . It didn't seem like recovering and its frustrating coz there's so many things he need to do but he can't do any now. I was afraid too (though I didn't dare tell him) when I saw the hopelessness in his eyes. I only told him that for this mth I will be home every night to cover his duties and he juz need to concentrate on recovery. But deep down, I guess both of us were afraid, what if things don't improve ? What's gonna happen? I don't hv the answers for now and only God has them.
In times like this, its when I draw close to God too.. That I'm reminded that the human is weak but God is strong and He will perform miracles and do what's necessary . In fear, I said a silent prayer and also asked another sister to pray for us too. I pray that God, You heal him, remove the pain and make his back well again. Maybe this is a reminder for us to rest, to remember to seek You in all situations, maybe this is when we all come and draw close to U again, so Tt U perform the miracle that the human deem impossible. But God, I know U r always faithful and U have never failed us. I prayed that You ride the storm with us and let this be another testimony for us to say! In Jesus name I pray, Amen!
James 5:16 Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.

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