Monday, January 7, 2013

A busy early morning

- Drafterd on 29th Nov 2012 -

Do u sometimes feel that u r stretched to the Max and nothing u do can help remedy the situation ?

Today is one of those days where the entire household is stretched to our max..

At 1am, the twins woke up for their feeds. Uncle Pig and I each took one .. Grace after drinking decided not to zzz.. She refused to latch to zz or even suck her thumb.. U know she's tired but she juz doesn't wanna zz.. This lasted till 3am when Joy woke up w serious stomachaches.. She says she's unwell n insisted Tt she wanna c a doctor. This is kinda rare coz usually she will prefer to zz through so Tt she can c her fav dr in the morning. So uncle pig decided to bring her to Kkh while I stayed at home to jaga the twins. My grace refused to zz n by 3plus, even Vera was awake by her takings ! Omg.. The only thing I wanna do is juz zz.. By the grace of God, I managed to make them zz by 5am! N managed to catch a wink for 2 hrs before they woke up again..
Joy and Uncle pig in the meantime was still at the hosp. Dr diagnosed her as stomach flu n wants her to stay ard the vicinity for observation for 90 mins.. Which after everything they only got back at 7 plus am, simply exhausted. Both r sleeping soundly while I'm juggling the twins.

How amazing it is when u r stretched to the max and relying only on God to tide the situation over. It's only 10am now but I feel like I've worked the entire day.. Hopefully it gets better through the day

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