Tuesday, November 27, 2012

False Alarm?

- Posted on 15th Nov -

Sometime in Aug, my period was late for a good 15 days before arriving, causing so much distress to myself. Coz back then, the twins were barely 4 mths old n we were barely surviving n the last thing I want is another surprise.  Yes, those were the days.

Come fast forward to Nov, and this time round my period is late again! Though I hvnt really been keeping track of it. Esp when my period is unstable now due to breast feeding . I am a little excited abt it but at the same time I'm afraid that we might not be prepared for it. Of course, God always go ahead of us and help prepare us for the journey ahead. So we shall c. May God prepare us for whatever that's ahead , In Jesus name I pray,
- Amen

P/s: and yes, we are not buying a kit to test. Whatever will come, will come. :p
p/s (2): by press time, the period came liaoz..haha... =p

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