Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sleepless night

- Written on 23rd May 2012

@2am today, Vera refused to zz again... My night owl .. In fact she's been like this on alternate nights. Woke up at 2am for milk, after which, she remains wide awake. Most of the nights, Uncle Pig will juz take this shift n let me continue to zzz. Of which by 6am I would wake up again for my next pumping session n cover the rest of the morning if Vera remains awake. (which she usually would ko by then)

The frequent night shifts hv kinda taken a toll on him n tonight he woke me up at 3am for help, which I gladly obliged. I would hv continued to let him rest if not for the fact tt Grace woke up abt 330am requesting for her feed. I either had to risk forsaking my half asleep Vera or wake uncle pig up so tt we could each handle one, n hopefully shorten the process. I did the latter.

Sometimes when both requires yr attention concurrently, it can b quite chaotic . Juz this evening, as I was alone with the twins n both wanted me to carry! What to do? Their necks are still soft so I can't do it w my both hands carrying each. I had to use my legs too! Kinda funny when u think abt it.. Haha.. How how? I sat cross legged n put grace on my lap while carrying Vera on my arms as she was colicky n had to be kept in an upright position after feeding. Really felt quite proud of myself. I didn't panic n I manage it well. Both babies were happy. I'm happy too..


 my cheeky vera...

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