Tuesday, May 8, 2012

D + 3 Days

Day 3

After delivery on Friday, everything still seems so fairy tale. That the twins are finally here, that after all the struggles w infertility, our precious gifts are here.

Both of them r doing well, and they look completely diff so there wont b a case of mistaken identity. And we r so grateful for all the blessings showered by God, our family and friends.

Tom we will be checking out of the hospital and starting on our new life! Although I had wanted to stay at the hospital for a couple more days, but due to unforeseen circumstances, we will leave Tom. I'm very grateful for the love and care showered upon us by the doctors and nurses here. The nurses here, are especially caring and I really admire their courage to be a nurse, really!

Tom we will have to cope with living w/0 help, and the uncertainty does bring fear along with it. I pray to God right now that You be with us when we go home, that we will be able to cope with the day to day taking care of the kids, the household , that I will remain sane while being able to cope with breastfeeding . Lord, I pray that You help me bf the girls, that I will have enough to feed both of them, that they will be able to latch well so that I don't suffer from any sore nipples n other discomforts. I pray that we will be able to cope well , in Jesus name I pray , amen !

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