Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Hearing Aid (Part 2)

This is the hearing kit that Uncle Pig went to collect y'day. It's the same kit that the clinic recommended him, but at 25% discount.

Thank God that he manage to find a small shop in Chinatown that sells the same model, but at much cheaper price. During the trial testing of the hearing kit, did I realize the seriousness of his hearing, or lack of hearing. Sounds that we've always taken for granted, conversations that we always had, all these were nv in his hearing radar since a long time ago. And all along, I always thought that it was juz a small humming sound that he was hearing, once a blue moon. But while he was doing the analysis, I realize that he had always been suffering in silence. My heart sank. I was not aware, nor was I sensitive to him. I even picked on him, when he can't hear me at times. Haiz.. Y am I such a wife? Y wasn't I more understanding or sensitive?

I thank God that at least now I know and I thank God that Uncle Pig had taken the initiative to wear a hearing kit , ignoring the glances of others. He did look pretty sporty with his new toy! Haha.. I also wanna thank God for helping us find this clinic that offers the same pdt at 25% discount!

God, right now I wanna pray that u help Uncle Pig get used to using it, that there will be little interferences, that it will help reduce the humming sound and the kit will be able to last us for a long time. In Jesus name I pray, Amen
p/s: blogged on 16th Feb, but didnt get to upload it till now..hehe..

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