Wednesday, January 4, 2012

RD - Period

It's official! I'm having a period on my left eye.. Haha.. Juz saw the doc for my review appt. He was very pleased with what's happening inside my eye. When I asked him abt the discharge, his reply was tat it's quite common and anyway tats happening on the exterior of the eye n no cause for alarm. He reminded me tat he did mentioned to me after the op tat the eye would b red and swollen. "Red and swollen?!!" " more like bleeding and swollen, I thought in my mind." 
In fact, the bleeding has not subsided and it kinda really feel like having a period, with the need of changing a pad every few hrs. Otherwise my left eye will b swimming in a filled water goggle again.

Anyway he says the healing is so gd tat he don't see a reason to skip the hk trip tomorrow!! How not to love such a cute doctor? Haha.. Anyway I told him tat we've decided to skip the trip , esp since I have to be on the eye patch for another 1 week! Yes, one more week.. And MC is given now for a mth, and he says I can request for more if the need requires. If only I can claim for MC.. Haha.. 
But nevertheless, I'm thankful tat the review appt turned out well. Although I feel the same, but I'm sure I will get better! Thank you to all who prayed for us. 

This journey has not only strengthened my faith with God, but also my love with Uncle Pig. Sometimes, we juz need a little crisis in our lives to feel loved, don't we? :p 

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