Saturday, December 31, 2011

RD - Updates

After replying "no medicine allergies" and telling everyone >100 times tat " I'm pregnant" , the op finally ended and I was discharged. 

Had wanted to do this earlier but couldn't coz the hurting eye made it difficult to open the right eye as well. I was literally a blind bat walking with my two eyes close around the house with Joy as my walking stick. 

The op was successful (Thank God and all who prayed for me!), although I also died in the operating theatre. Being pregnant means tat instead of being on GA , I was on LA (local anaesthesia ) which means tat I was conscious of the work they were doing on me throughout the procedure! Midway through the op, I reminded asking the doc several times if we were done? And each time he would say "juz a while longer my dear and it would be perfect and u would be able to go to HK !" Haha.. He remembered abt my trip! So nice of him even though I was no longer keen on anything except going home to c my Joy or visiting the gynae to make sure the twins are fine. 

Nevertheless I'm glad tat everything is okie now. Would hv to visit again early Tom morning for a review. Hopefully everything is really okie and there's no complications. After this ordeal, I seriously hope tat I don't need to do any ops on my eyes any further. Super respect those tat went to do LASIK to correct their vision. How do they manage to keep their sanity?? Haha.. Anyway, I'm juz glad tt I happen to chop off my hair y'day prior to seeing the doc. It's so much easier to maintain ! Maybe God has told my hairstylist to chop it real short.. Haha.. 

Okie gotten stop now coz Little Joy says I shldnt be looking at my iPhone too much! Such a sweet girl right! A thankful me to end 2011 and a great start to 2012! Once again thank u for praying! 

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