Friday, December 30, 2011


Today I sent uncle pig to his office; most probably one of the final times. His fridges, ovens, racks and all equipment will be sold back to his supplier.

As I see him doing his final packing, and the workers slowly pushing away his equipment piece by piece, emotions overwhelmed me and tears started to stream down my cheeks. This is a place that he has spent his last 15mths doing his art, his passion and now everything will come to an end.  It's an ironic tat I used to complain tat Haven Bakery takes time away from us but now even I'm so affected. Haiz..

Nevertheless, I thank God for giving us this place, the opportunity to create our dream for these 15mths. It's indeed an experience tat few can say have done it. Although its with great pity tat we have to close today, I'm still grateful for this chance tt God has given us.

I know we will be back again and when we come back, it will be in a greater scale.

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