Monday, November 28, 2011

15 weeks update

It's been a looong time since i did an update of my pregnancy... haha...anyway, I'm now at my week 15! Fast fast..but wished that it could have been faster. Officially in my honeymoon trimester but I'm not sure if it's because I'm older now, or isit because it's twins that's making me super tired. I'm tired ALL the time...anyway, below is a quick summary:

1) Backaches
- Yes, they are here... it's been bearable when I was having Joy, until the last trimester but right now, I'm already feeling the effects of a backache. Uncle pig suggested getting a back support, which I think we will get it when we go shopping soon... that's when I'm not so tired..haha... and because they (backaches) are here so early, I doubt I will be able to go Vegas in Mar... yes, I think we will forget about that trip, much as I was hoping to still make it, but because yesterday's backache was so bad that travelling to anywhere just seem unbearable as of now. Even told Uncle Pig if its possible that we don't travel at all.

2) Appetite
- Hmm, the morning sickness are gone, but my appetite is still small..or at least i feel tat they are small..haha... but hunger pangs come as quickly as they leave. I'm hoping to continue to remember to take frequent small meals, although my meals been pretty eractic the last week.

3) Twins
- We saw the gynae last week, it's basically to update us the results.. We told him that we were not comfortable with any further testings and will only be doing the basic required mthly scanning if possible. He took it quite well, so I'm looking forward to our next scan in Dec. Didnt see the twins this time round, cause gynae felt tat it was still quite near the last scan and thus not really necessary.

4) Weight
- I'm currently at the same weight as my pre-pregnancy weight, which is good. I guess I wanted to at least maintain it as much as possible.

5) Supplements
- now that we are at our 2nd trimester, gynae did suggest some supplements. The usual ones like fish oil, calcium tablets, multi-vitamins and iron pills. The iron pills were blocked cause one of the side effects was constipation, and I'm already quite constipated now, with the pregnancy.. So good and bad, I get a pill lesser but I need to do a blood test later the pregnancy, to make sure my iron is sufficient. For the rest of them, I took them on the first day and they are still sitting on my dinning table. They are all big tablets! So I'm gonna eat "healthier food" for now, and hopefully, I will go to those supplements once a while so that that's sufficient.
- i feel guilty that I'm not eating them, but they are kinda big, and much as I love my twins and appreciative of this pregnancy, I really doesnt wanna antagonize myself further

6) Body Heat
- this is another factor that's preventing me from travelling. I think I'm on a high temperature ALL the time too. HOT HOT HOT... haha..

okie, that's all for now bah.. Uncle Pig's back with breakfast.

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