Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Little Emo

Had nothing to do while uncle pig was replying his emails.. Was feeling kinda emo n still worried after hearing abt my fren's loss.. Started to read up on stuff n thought maybe I should update my blog.. And stumbled onto my older entries.. Entries on how we started on our IVF decisions, the beginnings of our injections, blood test etc.. But what struck me most was that I did vision abt my twins even before we started this. Yes, yes! It kinda shocked me & of course I had obviously forgotten abt it.. And when I told uncle pig abt my findings, he said he knows ah.. Coz I had told him abt it before , a long long time ago. I did rem telling him tat many yrs ago, but what I had meant then was a natural twin (coz my mom was a twin & genetically I had higher chances ) not an IVF twin.. But anyway that's not impt la..

Tears streamed down as I'm reminded again by God's goodness & to count every little blessing. Yes, count my blessings.. Yes God, I know la... I'm grateful for all & I am reminded again to have faith in you & to trust you. Yes I will do tt n not let my thoughts run wild. Hopefully I can repeat it tomorrow n the day after. But that is for tomorrow to worry for...

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