Thursday, October 27, 2011

Birthday parties

You know when age is catching up with you when the bday parties tat u attend nowadays are yr children's friends instead of yr own... Haha...  

But I think all of us had an enjoyable but tiring time..
Had a good conversation with some of joy's classmates while we were there & one of the mummies, mummy C was telling me how excited her child is & yearns for another sibling.. My heart goes out to her & I shared with her abt our struggles too; like how Joy would pray for a meimei almost everyday, how every mth of trying seems futile, & now tat I'm pregnant, she seems to be updating her classmates everyday on how we are coping! Tat was also the reason how mummy C learnt tat I was pregnant.. I also shared with her how Joy was a miracle sent by God to "page" us back to His Kingdom coz unlike most couples, we didn't meet with any challenges conceiving her. She was amazed coz she herself had a hard time conceiving her child & her pregnancy was often fraught with instabilities. Thus they kinda decided not to try for another one but the deep yearning of her child for a younger sibling is so strong tat it may seem hard to refuse.. Coz I think all parents love their kids & want them to be happy. I also shared abt our IVF experience; and she was shocked tat we took the courage to embark on this route. Similar to my initial concerns, she too had thought it would b painful and 辛苦 and costly.. I think a lot of people has tat conception based on friends' friends experience or hearsay. I too thought so before and thus powdered on a gd 9mths before deciding on it. I shared with her my IVF experience, and how God continued to work his miracles around us.. I wouldn't say tat it's an entire painless journey, but it was made less painful because of God. Because God loves us. 

After the party, I was shocked myself by how much I've shared to a stranger I hardly know, but I know God muz have created this meeting for both of us. I won't say tat I'm an advocate for IVF but I hope tat thru my small efforts, people will know more of my first hand experience and not based on hearsays thus closing this choice off completely. I also felt tat God wants me to share my story with others, my struggles over the years; how i took this step & how He showed his goodness by protecting us and showering His blessings upon this household, tat He is the Creator and nothing is impossible coz He is God. 

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