Saturday, October 1, 2011

Another sleepless night...

Don't know if it's the coffee I had this afternoon or the pure excitement but I cant seem to fall asleep again! Maybe also a bit stressed tat since everything's kinda sink in, it also mean tat I've got to start working now! Haha... Coz if the twins r here by apr, technically I only have 6-7 mths to work... Ahhhhhhh! Really pretty scary ah.. Esp tom is 1st Oct, so yes, it's back to work.. No more slacking... Muz at least do my very best and trust that God do the rest! Haha... Right now I'm praying tat God will help us in our situation, tat I work sufficiently but not too overwork thus straining myself, tat I have better control of my emotions (n I know it's not gonna b easy with the swings) so tt I can focus n work..haha.. I do love my work most of the time n I'm glad God has placed me here, much as I always wonder y but I'm thankful for his plans... I'm also praying tat I don't gain too much weight, in fact I hope to lose some in my first trimester coz I'm too big to start at the beginning.. It's juz like an already inflated balloon n u insist on pumping additional gas.. Haha... Ya, will try to curb my appetite n the sweet stuff... And hopefully do some exercises in the 2nd &3rd trimester..haha...need to keep reminding myself to curb... Haha... Hard but i will do my best! :)

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