Wednesday, August 24, 2011


The Emo Day..
It's coming to a mth since we started on our daily dose of injections.. It's been quite smooth , on the whole.. Till we went for our visit on mon n dr commented the growth of the eggs were a little sluggish.. Huh? I Thot it was so far so gd? How did it suddenly become sluggish? He suggested increasing the dosage of Puregon from 150mg to 200 mg n hopefully things will get better. Egg retrieval which was initially estimated to be either thur or fri might be delayed. We are to c him again on wed and c how.

Wed came and it was confirmed.. Sluggish.. My heart sank. Most likely there will only b abt 8 follicles ready for retrieval looking at their growth. On one hand, it's gd news tat I didn't get OHSS or too many eggs tat made breathing an issue . But on another hand, the no of eggs is definitely much lesser than wat we had expected. If there were only 8 follicles, n assuming tat not all follicles contained an egg, i might b looking at 6 eggs? And I shudder to think at the end how many would b successful embryos for me to put inside.. Haiz..
Tears flowed as these thoughts passed my mind.. The first day (ED1) when my emo got the better of me.. Nice uncle pig told me tt we should surrender to the Lord, tt we will continue to do our best and trust in the Lord tt He will do the rest.
Yes, I agree.. I had worried deep in my heart initially, that I will hv too many frozen embryos and they will b wasted n it juz seem like a life forsaken.. And I prayed for just the right no. Of embryos . And I shall pray again now.. That the Lord, my God, does not need many to start w, to create the little miracle in our lives. He knows our needs, and He provides. It just take 1 to be successful, if He is willing.
Yes, we will surrender completely to Him and adhere to His guidance.

And going a little further, he fell on the ground and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him. And he said, "Abba Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will. - Mark 14:35-36

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