Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 30th birthday!

Had lunchie w uncle pig n joy at beanstro at MBS.. He had wanted to do the pizza place we did for our wedding anniversary but I wanted something we decided on Beanstro - a F&B by Coffee Bean ... food was okie, nice n much cheaper than the pizza place.. Haha.. N it was really quite nice.. Anyway both joy n I were more interested in the cake after the meal.. Haha..

It's a big strawberry tart! I had mentioned it a long time ago when hubz was still at his baking sch tat I hope one day my bday cake would b juz a big strawberry tart! He remembered! As I made my bday wish n blew out the candle, tears simply trickled down my cheek.. Tears of joy la.. Tt happiness could b so simple.. N I couldnt stop.. Kinda embarrassing thou.. But looking at these two impt pple in my life, I was happy, at peace n satisfied.. I was thankful tat God had given them to me.. How undeserving of me to have these two pple loving me n showering me with unconditional love.. N as these thoughts flashed thru my mind, my tears gushed like no tomorrow.. It was amazing how a simple birthday celebration within the 3 of us, could be so happy, so filled with emotions. I had always thought that entering the big 3, I would want a big PARTY to celebrate... but I guess God and Uncle Pig had other plans... it was a simple birthday celebration, yet a happy one... =)
Lord I thank you for everything tat has happened.. N I really should count my blessings! To have a wonderful hubz, and an independent 4yr old who at her age seems to be taking care more of me than the other way round.. Lord, I also thank you for putting us thru infertility , I thank you for trusting in us tat we'll b able to handle it bcoz I know tat all tasks given by You are definitely manageable for us..
As my bday draws to a close, another impt chapter will await us.. Lord, I pray for Yr protection and guidance in this journey, tat U give us strength to continue this journey, tat thru this, our faith may b strengthen as well as thru this, may we be Yr mouthpieces to spread your goodness..

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