Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 1 of IVF..

Was feeling jittery as the day draws near .. Thoughts abt aborting it did come to my mind.. But rather than going down tat route, I juz prayed once again this morning for peace n God's guidance in this journey. Which I felt today. Yes. Morning traffic to town was a breeze.. We arrived early to b able to have happy breakfast before going to the clinic. Right inside the consultation rm, dr explained my blood test to us, our eggs supply n quality.. Everything was gd n within the normal range.. But if everything was gd, then y didnt we get the results we wanted? Haiz..
Anyway dr explained once again abt the procedures n the no of injections to b done.. I muz hv miscalculated! Coz instead of having one injection n increasing it every set of 10 days, it's actually every set of 2 weeks! Faintz... Which means tat I will b jabbing for 6 weeks n a total of 84 jabs!! My mind ran super fast w the calculation n back.. Haha.. Doc says that it will be over even before I know it, which I seriously doubt it.. haha.. but anyway, just concentrate a jab a day first la.. The nurse demonstrated the procedures n did the first jab. I won't say tt it's painless, but it's definitely less painful than the ones I had when doing my IUIs.. So overall it's still a happy day! now juz have to decide on the timing of my injection coz it will hv to b followed strictly everyday.. Tinking of doing it everyday at midnight but dr says usually most pple do it early in the morning.. Haha.. Shall c how la
Thank God for overseeing it all. I pray tat everyday will b as easy as today.. =p

p/s: thot that the new IVF ruling would only be effected from Oct whereby there can only be 2 embryos inserted if you are below age 35.. and I was still telling Uncle Pig that we should be able to do 3 instead..but the nurse juz said that they have already embraced the change.. kissing triplets bye bye..but like what my beloved friend says, I only need one, if it's in God's plans... =p

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