Friday, June 3, 2011

Blue Day...

Just received a text from a colleague telling me that she's pregnant.. have gotten news of it a few days ago but just felt weird then that she didnt let me know herself.. but yes, she told me today ah.. and i'm happy for her..
and each time an incident like this will always tempt me to consider if I've even tried ALL ways to be pregnant? I mean, what if I would have strike on my first try with IVF? What if TCM works for us? What if and what iff.....

Much as I'm tempted, but 我已经把我的心情收拾好了,也不是很想在度地然它受伤害。可是又有一部分的我觉得如果我没有施竟我知道的所有办法,我是否会后悔能?
Lord, I just pray that you give me strength and wisdom to decide what's best for us. Lord, I pray that you grant me wisdom to decide on the route most suitable for us, for my frail heart, cause you know me best and I know that each challenge you give us, is never too big. Lord, I pray that you guide us along.. each step and let me know which way bah... In Jesus name I pray,

- Amen -

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