Friday, March 4, 2011

Pregnant again?

Pregnant again? With the emergence of FB u come to know the happenings of Yr immediate/secondary circle almost immediately. I'm been plagued with another pregnancy news again.. N she didn't even tell me she was preg when I was telling her abt her fertility issues a few mths ago.. Not tat I wish none of them would b preg but I juz wished tt I didn't know abt it.. Tt mayb I will only know when their kids hold their first bday or eventually when they entered childcare.. Haha.. Much as I'm really happy for them, it reminds me of my barren womb.. 
Anyway this fren was saying how she's addicted to pregnancy, n I was like "huh?" Did I so badly want to b pregnant or I only want a 2nd child, a companion for joy? Much as I enjoyed bf-ing joy, is it gonna mean I'm loving less to my second adopted child? Gasp! Actually it really didn't matter if the child's gonna come fr my womb or not! Wat matters is tt I now believe my heart has the capacity to love another child, irregardless if whether it had come fr me.. 
I guess all these is in God's timing.. N if I had tried adoption a few mths ago I would not own the decision.. But yes I own it now.. Juz like how my r/s w hubz all started.. It's like a full circle! Oh my God, I'm so amazed at how things come together!
Shall started the adoption process once hubz medical stuff r settled. Thank God for His timing.

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