Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pre-Adoption Process

Ever since hubz and I have decided to embark on our adoption process, we've also started to tell our friends about it. And so far, the responses have been pretty wide and mixed.. From the " Wow! That's a HUGE step & that's so nice of you guys" to the "Huh? Why don't you guys juz stop at 1?" or the " Huh? Why don't you guys just TRY HARDER?" Excuse me, but if you haven't realise, We've tried hard enough!!! (Haha... sometimes I juz wish i can tell them straight in the face.) 
Anyway, I'm still trying to find a balance ah.. between telling them the truth about our current state, or just say diplomatically "Yup, we will stop at one." A friend recently told me that I should juz tell them that we are stopping at one, coz that will kinda stop the questionnings, which i explained would in fact aggravate the whole bag of questions like " Why do you just stop at one?"; "Wont tat be lonely for Joy?"; "Kids are wonderful, and Joy's such an easy child. I'm sure the 2nd one would be the same" ... blah blah blah... maybe sometimes I juz feel tat we can put a vacuum around our house so tat we'll be invisible, and thus oblivous of all these.. but of coz, i do meet nice pple (Thank God for these wonderful angels!) who understands, whose presences and not questionning comforts us.
But I guess all things happen for a reason, and I feel that God puts us in this situation currently, is because I will be able to share to people, how even in challenge situations, we must always trust God, and have faith. It's just like how because of God, hubz and I came back together after a full circle and I learn how to love, and how to appreciate someone who can complement me, and that we are a perfect jigsaw fit for each other,despite our flaws. And I've shared that with my colleagues, and clients about this mircale that God has created. Maybe right now, God wants me to open the hearts of people who are in the same/similar situation like me, and are having difficulties to either seek help, or trust God.
Dear God, I pray that you use me, in your mighty ways, so that I will be able to touch the hearts of people whom have not known you. They might have received knocks in their lives and forgotten about You, or they might have never learnt about You. Lord, I just pray that I will be able to be a blessing in their lives, that through me, they will know about You, and to learn to trust and have faith in You. Lord, I also pray for patience when I talk to people, that I will love each and everyone of them (even though I'm still juz human)
- Amen -

p/s: This gotten be one of my longest entry..haha..maybe of mixed feelings of period coming soon,  more pregnancy news and also coz hubz soundly asleep and I cant!!! Hahaha... but yes God, I know that you are guiding us in every step! :)

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