Monday, March 21, 2011

Counting the days

For people with extremely regular circles, it's a mental torture when the period doesn't come on time.. Technically speaking I'm 3 days late.. Can u imagine the torture of counting every now n then? 

I told hubz abt it n his reply was "leave it to God la.." 
Easy for someone to say when he checks it everyday too!! Haha .. So much abt taking it easy.. 
It gets to the extent tat I dream abt it at times!

I guess at times when we want something to happen so much tat we ignore all the tell-tale signs tat it aren't happening n focus on the exact things we want to happen.. My mood swings, pimples r here signaling a negative.. Yet it's not here yet- period.
God, i pray tat u will keep the thought away n let us focus on You alone. (much as I'm so tempted to buy a kit to test, hubz feels tt we shld "take it easy") God I leave it all to u la.. If it comes, it comes.. We trust tat u will plan in the best way possible for us n no amt of worrying will add even an hr of one's life
(Matt 6:27)

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