Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Have you ever met with people who's ever so insistent abt their views? Such that they will just go on and on and on, abt their views and that only they are right? I always dread meeting hubz's relatives coz they will always insist that hubz quit his baking job and go back to being an engineer.. but in the first place, shldnt the decision be based on his personal choice?

Hubz has always been a household person. He can do all the housework and he enjoys it while i've always been doing relatively well in my sales career. So many years ago, even before Joy came into the picture, we have already decided that should we need a full time parent at home, it will be him since both of us enjoy our own environments, which can also be classified as Division of Labour or Specialization of trade?? But after so many years, his relatives were never supportive, always ridicule him tat he should come out and get a proper job. But hello, we dont need his income to maintain the household. But what we really need, is his time and energy in maintaining the household! Juz becoz you guys need a dual income, doesnt mean that the whole world needs that! Please wake up to yr ideas Please!

The 2nd part that i cant tolerate is that ever since hubz started his biz at fortune centre, this same grp of relatives kept inssisting that we change our place: to a HDB shopfront, whereby we can stay on the 2nd floor and he can operate his biz on the 1st floor. Their rationale is at least we can save the rent (maybe a couple thousnds), but at the same time, we would hv to spend hundreds of thousands just to buy that place!!??? this silly conversation has carried on for so many mths that i'm so sick of it.. if it really works, why dont you do that? It irritates me when I see people so insistent, and yet, when it comes to starting a biz, they juz shrug away and say its not for them! Since its not for them, then please MYOB! Please understand that much as yr idea is gd, we dont have the capital to get another place, nor am i interested to stay on the 2nd floor. Our stand now is juz to build our current client database, and since our bakery is in relatively town, that's where we are sticking to. You can decide on yr own biz, but please dont stick yr nose into ours! MYOB!

- But God chose what the world thinks foolish to shame the wise, and God chose what the world thinks weak to shame the strong. 1 Corr 1: 27

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