Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 1

Juz as I was waiting and thinking , it has finally come.. Yesh, 3 days before Korea n my menses is here... Hopefully it's a short cycle..

Juz had lunch w my two dearest friends .. Friends who hv known each other for abt 8 yrs now.. After talking to them, the inpulse to do ivf is gone.. Not exactly a bad thing coz I know they want the best for me n we all know tat my emotional strength might not b able to tahan the disappointments n rollercoasters.. Will juz wait n b patient abt it.. As what J says, what if I hv triplets? Who's gonna take care now tat william has started on the bakery biz? Maybe God wants me to take care of joy more.. Maybe it's not my project to contribute to spore's population.. 

Am now at hubz shop, juz quietly watching him busy.. He senses tat I'm unhappy n right now I'm juz grateful tat he understand me so well..without him, I don't know if I could hv survive for so long...

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