Wednesday, February 9, 2011

CNY@ Melaka

When u have a child n it's cny, friends and relatives usually take this opportunity to ask the Golden Question: " When are you going to have another one?" I've taken this quite at my stride nowadays. Most of the time I will juz reply with honestly, which usually will lead to an awkward silence (haha!), and the person wont be able to react or divert..but I feel that there was no pt in dwelling on the NEED to have another child, coz I alrdy know of the yes, awkward answer is preferred.. :)

But when my ah-ma of nearly 90yrs old asked e same qn, my reply to her turns out to be a more diplomatic one.."tat we r happy w juz having one". To some one who has given birth to 9 children, including my dad, it's a no-no to stop at one, and a bigger NO to stop w/o producing a heir to hubz family. Well, I can juz conclude 2 things: 1) people of my ah-ma generation can juz hv many many children, where in a land of probabilities, there will be some who excel subsequently n some who's juz a bummer in life.. It didn't matter if they had e $$ to finance e kids nor bring them for enrichments.. Haha..considering that my dad had to sell kueh to earn his allowances when he was in pri sch..anyway, it didnt matter if financing the child's upbringing was impt coz they would survive anyway.. 2) 不孝有三,无后位大 Nevertheless, in order to further dwell on this with her, I thought a faster and simpler way was to just say that we are stopping at one..she didnt need to know my struggles, and does she need to worry abt us.. :)

P/s: This entry was written half way before my iphone went swimming in the toilet bowl.. so i kinda had to finish it only when I came back fr msia..thus the non-connected..hehe...

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