Tuesday, September 17, 2024

After two movies, I didn’t feel like watching anymore. Another 3 more hrs before I reach Tokyo, and continue the second leg to LAX. 

Without realisation, I started crying. 

Emo came knocking. 

I miss my family. I miss William and the kids. I tried to numb the pain by buying crazy at Changi just now. Bought a stash of make up and skincare essentials, but it did little to cheer me up. 

Barely touched my lunch and the friendly airplane crew kept checking if they could give me a replacement meal. It’s nice to be taken care of, especially when it’s usually me taking care of my kids.

Oh God, I miss home so much, though the mooncake and Kit Kat did help provide some comfort. 

I ended up chitchatting in the family chat with the girls. They would have been delighted to be on the long flight. To be able to watch unlimited TV for so long, is a dream come true for Vera.. lol.. 

I know I’ll be fine once I meet up with the ladies. I know I’ll end up enjoying myself, enjoy the little break, enjoy the uninterrupted sleep etc. 

Will try to do some work, work that I haven’t been able to touch when it was crazy hectic last week. 

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